Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Purple, green and orange veggies for health.

                                   I read this info in a Women's First magazine:
     Sweet Potatoes-fortify lungs. These orange spuds are nature's richest source of beta-carotene, a phytonutrient that strengthens the lining of the respiratory tract so effectively that even the aggressive flu viruses have trouble sneaking through. One a day will cut illnesses by 33 % according to Dr. Nadeau.
     Red Cabbage-fat blocker.  Oooh I like this one.  This vegetable is a flavorful way to ward off hibernation and pounds.  Toss the red cabbage into salads and soups.  This veggie is a top source of anthocyanins, plant compounds shown in Japanese research to shrink existing fat cells and prevent the formation of other. 
     Collard Greens-mood lifter.  Adding collard greens to your diet can keep you feeling sunny and serene through winter months, thanks to it's rich stores of pridoxine.  This B vitamin has been shown to stimulate the production of serentonin and norepinephrine-brain chemicals that increase feelings of happiness, curb carbohydrate cravings and soothe stress. 
                                  I think I'll incorporate all three in my diet.  :)

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