Sunday, January 8, 2012

Profiling food consumption in America.

This is an interesting website.  It has charts to show calorie increase, sugar increase, meat consumption increase and all the other foods.  It's all on here and it shows you how much more of everything we consume now compared to previous years. Here is the sweetener chart on the website.  Check out the website and the other charts.  It's very interesting.

America’s sweet tooth increased 39 percent between 1950–59 and 2000 as use of corn sweeteners octupled 
Annual averages 
                         Item 1950–59   1960–69    1970–79    1980–89 1990–99     2000 
                                                               Pounds per capita,dry weight 
Total caloric sweeteners 109.6      114.4      123.7          126.5     145.9       152.4 
Cane and beet sugar         96.7        98.0        96.0            68.4       64.7         65.6 
Corn sweeteners                11.0        14.9        26.3            56.8       79.9         85.3 
High fructose corn syrup       .0           .0             5.5            37.3       56.8        63.8 

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