Sunday, January 22, 2012

Healthy Soda.

                            Vitamin soda water that is.
This is a favorite with the kiddos and myself.  We mix 1/3 to 1/2 of a pack of the Eco Drink Vitamin Mineral with sparkling water and a twist of lemon. Once a day we have our special drink and the kids are getting their daily vitamins. It taste sweet like soda without all the junk.  It is loaded with vitamins and sweetened with stevia.  You can buy this at Costco or online.  At Costco , the pack of 30 will be $19.99.  It comes with a free water bottle.

While at Costco last week , I got to watch a demonstration of the Soda Stream.  This is cool and if we lived in a home where we drank the water, I would purchase one.  It takes regular water and turns it to soda water in less than a minute and it was good.  Starting at $80.00.  It would save us in the long run because the soda water we buy is about $14.00 a month.

( I have one of these daily when I'm trying to shed a few pounds.  Due to cutting back on calories, I usually get a sweet tooth around 4pm.  So Ill have a tall one of these to quench my craving.  0 calorie treat.)

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