Saturday, January 7, 2012

Moms, these tips are for you.

1. You do  not need to finish the food on your kids plate or a snack that they did not finish.  Just put it away or throw it away.  Its better off in the trash than on your hips.

2. As for all those kids birthday parties you go to, remember the cake, pizza, soda and chips are not the healthiest choice for you.  Just ask yourself, if you are going to splurge, is this what you want to splurge 500-700 calories on.  Have a snack before the party.  And instead of partaking in these American, classic, birthday treats.  Make yourself busy.  Help the other kids and moms with serving the food, and helping to clean up. You'll be burning calories while serving others and practicing your self control.

3. Before you bake those cookies or bake that delicious bread with your kiddos.  Have an apple and a glass of water.  Practice baking and enjoying watching them mix, measure, blend, and indulge.  And MAKE THEM EAT IT ALL, so you are not tempted to finish off the batch!!! :-)

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